activity Technology thoughts

How to get Audible books without a membership

Say you are looking for something to listen to on that long car ride you are taking. You go to Amazon and find a book someone told you about. Maybe it is a book by David Drayer titled “Strip Cuts”. You see the Audiobook for $0.00 and notice there is a catch. You do not […]



Decided to install solar today.


June 5, 2020

This morning I decided to make banana bread. Rita helped. About the time I put it in the oven, she left to pick up clay in Bylesville, OH at Laguna. I then worked on the website. It appears that the SQL database has some issue. Whenever you go there, you get a screen that […]


June 4, 2020

Writing every day is often a routine many writers say they do. It doesn’t not matter what you write, as long as you write. I’m not in that camp of thinking. I do believe practice does improve skills. But, I’m not sure practicing simple activities does much for you except maybe make your fingers hurt. […]


June 3, 2020

The morning started early, around 5:30 am with Molly, my dog, barking at something outside. Rita had gotten up earlier, fed her and her out. Molly likes to bark at deer, rabbits, or the dark. I got up, called her and let her in. She limped in, her back left leg barely touching the ground. […]