
Protected: Liver Biopsy scheduled

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Health Philosophy Thought of the day thoughts

4 am thoughts

It happens more often than we realize. It’s 4 am and our subconscious pokes our conscious and says: “Wake up! I got the answer! You went to bed thinking of some problem. While you, or your conscious self slept, your subconscious worked to solve the problem. More often than not, it comes up with a […]

activity Building projects Health status

April 2018 – Status Report or How I Hurt My Back

April Status Report When I worked in high tech, one of the most hated tasks was writing a monthly status report.  Now that I’ve been out of that job for over 10 years and am getting forgetful in my advanced age, I miss having a status report so I can remember what I did last […]

Health status thoughts

Cardiologist visit

Last Wednesday I had my 6 mo Cardiologist checkup.  It has been 18 months since my Aortic Valve replacement surgery.  I was dreading this visit for my weight was up and I knew he was going to comment on it. I also wanted to have a conversation with him regarding reducing the dosage of the […]

Health shower thought thoughts

New Year – 2018

It is a rare person who can start a new year and not think of making some change or resolution.  I tried to not do this.   Then I got on the scales.  I didn’t like the number and to avoid making the resolution that is almost assuredly to fail, i.e. loose ‘x’ pounds, where ‘x’ […]