Update July 12, 2017

A few things since my last update:

  • My back issues from shoveling snow in mid-February finally got better. Drugs didn’t do much help but six weeks of physical therapy did.  I now need to treat it carefully so as to not hurt it.
  • One of my grandkids signed up to go to West Virginia University. I went with her and my son to the orientation and found it both interesting and informative. She will start in August.
  • Rita and I did a Raku residency at Latrobe Senior High School – I should post a post on just it. We had a great time and the students showed great creativity.
  • On July 10, 2017, we declared the hot tub dead.  Sad note.  It stopped working. The pump failed to turn on and it displays the same symptom as when I had to replace the motor. That is just too expensive and along with the electrical cost to run monthly, the deteriorating top and liner, it is time to put it to sleep.

That’s all unless I remember something else.