Not much has happened recently. Last week, I went in for EMG test on my right leg to determine the extent of any nerve damage due to my back disc issues. After shooting electricity down my leg from my buttocks to my toes, I’m not sure what it told them, but I was ready to […]
snow again
Yep! Snowed again today. That is 13 days in a row that we have had snow. Now don’t get me wrong. I like snow. Its white, clean, quite, fluffy, smooth, fun to play in and I can tell where my dogs go when they wander away. But 13 days of it? Now, mother nature, can […]
For the past two weeks, we have had winter storm watches, advisers, warning and just plan cold, snowy weather. Today, we got to see the sun and it was beautiful!
Had another MIR today. When I asked if I could have a copy, they said I would have to get it from the doctor – that he would have to give permission to release it to me. When and why did we allow others to have the right over us getting access to our own […]
Dr Visit today
After waiting an hour for the neurosurgeon, he and his PA had me walk on my toes, heals, hit me with a hammer in a few places and then declared that I needed surgery. They had read the MRI results. I asked a few questions and some regarding his experience with back surgery. It […]