Health thoughts

One year later…

How do you mend a broken heart? July 25, 2016 – around 2 or 3 am She was a beautiful black woman.  She was around 5 foot two inches, smooth skin, large loop ear rings and her hair cut in a buzz cut, nearly bald. Her skull was perfectly shaped.  She carried herself with an […]

Health status thoughts

Protected: Waiting Room

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Health Rant Technology thoughts

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing   Today it works like this. Tomorrow, it works differently.     In the mid 90’s,  I made a decision that my staff would get Windows PC’s on their desktop, It was then that I started to develop a theory. My theory has to do with  the time it takes humans to adapt […]

Health thoughts

… seize the moment…

I had became friends with a guy who was about seven years older than I am. He was a retired surgeon and he had taken up making pottery as a hobby. I got connected with him since my wife was a potter and  he would come to our Raku firings where I helped with the firings. Jim […]

Health Rant

Medical Information

Had another MIR today. When I asked if I could have a copy, they said I would have to get it from the doctor – that he would have to give permission to release it to me. When and why did we allow others to have the right over us getting access to our own […]